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January Featured Content: 

Drug & Alcohol Awareness

STATS for our students...

The following data was taken from the 2017 Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS)-Westmoreland County Report

* 4, 894 participants in grades 6, 8, 10 & 12*

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specific resources...
  • 40% of students in grades 6, 8, 10 and 12 reported using alcohol within the last 30 days

  • 14% used marijuana (pot, hash, cannabis, weed) in the last 30 days

  • 3.5% sniffed glue, breathed the contents of an aerosol spray can, or inhaled other gases or sprays in order to get high in the last 30 days

  • 13.2% smoked cigarettes (lifetime use)

  • 7.8% used smokeless tobacco (lifetime use)

  • 16% vaped or used e-cigarettes in the last 30 days

  • 3.1% used over-the-counter drugs to get high

  • 1.3% used prescription narcotics to get high


Reality Tour Dates:

Westmoreland County

November Featured Content: 

Grief & Loss in Children

Click on the group below to access specific resources...
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“Anyone old enough to love is old enough to grieve.” -Alan Wolfelt, grief expert and author
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Excela Health Latrobe is offering this family-based grief support program intended for children ages 5 to 9 and their families. During the four-week bereavement support series, art, music and pet therapy will help bring families together during a time of loss and sadness. The program continues Tuesdays, October 15 to Nov. 5 for adolescents age 10 to 13, and Mondays, Nov. 11 through Dec. 3, for teens ages 14 to 19.

The Highmark Caring Place, A Center for Grieving Children, Adolescents and Their Families, is a safe place where grieving children and families can come together and be with others who understand what they’re going through.

An essential community resource, the Caring Place offers services at no charge to grieving families from throughout the community.



Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide Prevention Month
Click on the group below to access specific resources...

Stay connected to your network when you are in a time of crisis with MY3. With MY3, you define your network, and your plan to stay safe.


The “A Friend Asks” App contains the following information:

  • warning signs of suicidal ideation

  • how to help a friend

  • how to get help now

  • what to do and what not to do

  • the B1 Program


In Westmoreland County (2017), the PA Youth Survey, asked 4,894 students in grades 6, 8, 10 and 12  about their mental health and the responses were that: 


  •  33.5% of respondents said they felt sad or depressed most days in the past 12 months

  • 15.1% stated they had considered suicide in the last 12 months

  • 12.1 % of the students said they have planned suicide

  • 9.2 % of the students shared they have attempted suicide

Our kids...

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Ask the Expert

NOTE: Apps designed for mental health purposes are best used in conjunction with a mental health professional and aren't a substitute for professional treatment. 

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Check back soon
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

Self-Harm/NSSI (Non-Suicidal Self Injury)

Myth #1: Self Harming is a failed suicide attempt.
Myth #2: People who self-harm are attention seekers.
Myth #3: Self-harm is cutting, burning and things we can see.
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NOTE: Apps designed for mental health purposes are best used in conjunction with a mental health professional and aren't a substitute for professional treatment. 

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Mood Meter
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